At long last, launch

This site, a labor of love on my part, is finally, finally, FINALLY ready to launch. A lot of work went into this first version, including…

  • Developing a way of organizing the content to make it easy for someone to find the challenge they’re facing, the stories of other people who successfully conquered these challenges with serious games, and the games they used.
  • The first batch of success stories and games.
  • A to-do list of what to add next.
  • Feedback from the “friends of Tom” list, people in the serious game biz.

Things I’ve learned along the way:

  • There’s a lot of serious games content out there, but it’s all over the place. I thought I was on top of the state of the serious games world, until I started a regular dragnet for new content. Lo and behold, there were books, videos, and other content aplenty that I had not found before. (Thanks to Phaedra Boinodiris for pointing me in the direction of some of it.)
  • Picking the right platform makes a big difference in setting up a site like this one. Thanks to Luke Hohmann and Sarah Grant for pushing WordPress as the right platform.
  • Spammers will find you, regardless of whether you’ve launched or not. Jerks.

I’m eager to hear your feedback. You can leave a comment here (unless you’re a spammer), or drop me a line at

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