Big news for Serious Games At Work

I have some big personal news that has a great big good side for this site. I’ve changed day jobs, from being a Forrester analyst to a Cutter Consortium senior consultant. Serious games are part of my practice area at Cutter, where I will continue to do research on the topic, provide consulting services for clients, and generally do whatever I can to make serious games successful.

That means that my day job meshes even better with the work needed to maintain this sites. In the long run, I’ll have more time to devote to adding more success stories, identifying games that can help people with specific problems, and producing new episodes of the podcast.

In the short term, I’m doing a lot of Agile coaching and training, which entails non-stop travel through the middle of December. Therefore, while I’ll be able to post some new content here on the site, the pace won’t pick up until after the holidays.

As always, I’m eager for your contributions to this site. If you know of any success stories, games, events, or anything else serious game-related, please contact me at

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